Wheeling Dentist | Healthy Lunch Ideas for Both Children and Adults

Wheeling IL DentistSeptember is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. It is also a time when our schedules become busy with school, after-school activities, work and social gatherings. When short on time it can be tempting to buy convenient lunch foods, which at times lack nutritional value. We’ve put together a list of healthy lunch and snack foods to promote oral and overall health of our community.

Apples & Pears
Firm, crunchy fruits are high in water content. This dilutes the effects of the sugar they contain and help to stimulate saliva production, making them excellent for oral health.

Water & Milk
Water and milk are far better choices than sugary juices and sports drinks, which contribute to decay. If you choose to allow sugary drinks, save them for an after school snack and encourage brushing after consumption.

Cheeses & Nuts
The calcium and phosphorus found in these foods help to re-mineralize teeth by strengthening the tooth’s enamel.

Carrots & Broccoli
Replace a bag of chips with colorful vegetables and a low-fat dip. This will encourage your children to make a habit of snacking healthy and help them to get the vital vitamins and nutrients needed for oral and overall health.

Childhood obesity and childhood caries are of the most common ailments effecting American children today. Help your children by making healthy food available every day.

We welcome both children and adults of all ages to our Wheeling dental practice. Don’t forget to make brushing and flossing an important part of your child’s routine, as well as regular visits to our dental office.

Wheeling Dentist | What Does Your Oral Health Say About Your Overall Health?

Dentist in Wheeling ILProper oral health care has been closely linked to your overall wellbeing. These four oral health symptoms can be signals of a stressful lifestyle, improper diet, poor dental hygiene and other health conditions.

Flat Ground-Down Teeth: Teeth grinding, or bruxism, results in issues with worn down or flat teeth. This can be caused by a joint dysfunction, but it can also be a stress signal. Specifically, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) can occur due to poorly functioning jaw muscles and can be a sign of a high stress lifestyle. Besides looking into less stressful activities, contact our office for advice on stopping bruxism.

 Eroded and Crumbing Teeth: Chipped teeth and tooth surface loss can cause major dental pain and long-term health issues. This is usually relative to an unhealthy diet. One main cause is due to soft drinks, or high acidic intake. Beverages high in sugar and starches can erode teeth. Having the right diet can make all the difference in keeping your teeth healthy.

 Inflamed Gums: Proper oral hygiene is key to optimal oral and overall health. Inflamed gums can indicate lack of consistent brushing, flossing and fluoride rinsing. Due to periodontitis, or gum disease, gums can be bothersome. It can include problems such as swelling, bleeding and soreness. Symptoms like these can be indicative of other serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Studies have shown that people with moderate to advanced gum disease are more likely to have heart disease than those with healthy gums.

 Sensitive Teeth: Sensitive teeth, a common dental problem, can cause pain while eating or brushing. It is a condition that may result from receding gums, intense brushing or grinding. Sensitive teeth may also indicate a diet high in erosive or acidic foods, or even a cracked tooth. If you are experiencing sensitivity, you may need to reevaluate your diet or dental care regimen. Speak to our dentist about switching to a new toothpaste, which could help reduce discomfort by protecting the enamel.

Recognizing these issues, along with practicing proper dental hygiene, is a great step toward better oral and overall health. Visit our Wheeling dentist on a regular basis for proper dental care and recommendations for a healthier you.


Am I a candidate for dental implants?

Wheeling IL DentistAt Galaxy Dental, we offer dental implants as a long-term solution for tooth loss. Dental implants resemble natural teeth and can completely restore your smile and substantially improve your oral health.

They also have the same, dependable foundation as natural tooth roots.

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may want to consider dental implants. They are the most long-lasting and effective solution to replace your missing teeth. With permanently placed implants, you will no longer have to experience discomfort in chewing, laughing or speaking.

An ideal dental implant candidate should have the following:

  • Healthy teeth and gums
  • A commitment to optimal care of the implanted teeth and surrounding gums
  • Sufficient bone density to support the dental implant
  • Are non-smokers or are willing to stop smoking during the dental implant process

Our team will discuss tooth replacement options with you to help you make the most informed decisions. We utilize modern technology to minimize any discomfort associated with receiving a dental implant. This allows for a very relaxed and comfortable experience, for even the most fearful patients.

Dr. Zhana Krasyuk and team are committed to helping you achieve and maintain a beautiful, healthy smile.

Wheeling Dentist | The Truth Behind 5 Popular Dental Misconceptions

Zhana Krasyuk DDSClearing up misconceptions about oral health can help improve personal oral hygiene efforts for a beautiful and healthier smile. If you keep up with your oral hygiene regimen, dental visits are significantly easier and dental care is more manageable.

Misconception #1 – My teeth are fine if I have no pain

Tooth decay (cavities) usually doesn’t cause pain until they become very severe. Once it gets to this stage, the amount of decay could lead to more invasive and costly treatments. Some of the most dangerous oral disorders, such as oral cancer and gum disease, typically don’t cause pain at all. It is important to keep up with scheduled dental appointments. Our dentist can diagnose problems even at its earliest stages when there is no pain.

Misconception #2 – Cavities are only caused by sweets

When you eat sweets, the bacteria in your mouth start consuming it and produce acid. This acid dissolves the enamel of the tooth, which results in tooth decay or cavities. However, this process happens when you eat anything that is a starch or carbohydrate. Food and snacks, such as crackers, bread, potato chips, fruit, peanut butter and pasta, have the same effect on your teeth.

Misconception #3 – If my gums bleed, I should stop flossing

Bleeding gums are often the first sign of gum disease. This happens when bacterial infections inflame your gums due to a lack of efficient cleaning. With regular brushing and flossing, gums will be much healthier and should rarely bleed. However, gum inflammation can occur despite best oral hygiene habits. In such instances, you should see improvement if you rinse with warm salt water and continuing to brush and floss.

Misconception #4 – Whiter teeth are healthier teeth

Healthy teeth come in a wide range of natural shades. Whiter teeth cannot show if there is an infection or cavity between the teeth. Although pure white teeth do not equate to healthier teeth, they should still be naturally on the whiter side.

Misconception #5 – Children are more prone to tooth decay

Tooth decay (cavities) can develop at any age. People assume children have poor brushing habits and are more prone to tooth decay. Cavities form when bacteria cause a loss or weakening in tooth enamel and eventually decay forms a hole in the tooth. This is usually seen in people with poor brushing and flossing habits, regardless of age.

Excellent oral health promotes overall good health and is definitely not a misconception. It is important to practice good oral hygiene habits. If you have any questions regarding your dental health, please contact our dentist in Wheeling IL.

Dentist in Wheeling IL Discusses Oral Health and Overall Health

At Galaxy Dental, there is more to proper oral care than just having a beautiful and healthy smile. Researchers have found that there are over 100 medical conditions that can be detected in the early stages by a dentist. Some of these health conditions include:

  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart Disease
  • Pregnancy issues

Find out more about the link between your oral health and overall health before it’s too late. See our dentist.


Wheeling Dentist | Chew on This: Foods for Healthy Teeth

DentistNo time to brush or floss your teeth? When brushing or flossing isn’t convenient, you can still keep your mouth feeling fresh by eating certain foods. When you’re on the go or in a hurry, try grabbing one of these foods to munch on to help fight plaque and keep your teeth healthy.

Cheese provides several benefits for your teeth, such as preserves and rebuilds tooth enamel, prevents plaque and balances your mouth’s acidity level. It also helps to produce saliva, which kills the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Tea contains polyphenols, which slows the growth of bacteria associated with tooth decay and gum disease. It prevents the bacteria in your mouth from turning sugar into plaque. Tea also fights the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots and celery, require extra chewing which produces saliva. Saliva helps to neutralize bacteria that cause tooth decay. Also, chewing on naturally abrasive foods removes stuck food particles, massages gums and cleans between teeth.

Vitamin-rich foods containing calcium and phosphorus can help keep tooth enamel strong and healthy. Acidic foods may cause tiny lesions on tooth enamel. Calcium and phosphate help redeposit minerals back into these lesions.

Sugarless gum contains xylitol that helps to prevent plaque and aids in producing saliva. Chewing sugarless gum also keeps your breath smelling fresh.

Raisins contain phytochemicals, which fights bacteria that causes tooth decay. Some compounds in raisins also affect the growth of bacteria that is associated with gum disease.

Water is the best way to stimulate saliva, which is your body’s greatest defense against bacteria that cause plaque and cavities. If you can’t brush after eating, rinse your mouth with water to assist in preventing tooth decay.

It is important to have a balanced diet for your oral and overall health. While these foods help to combat plaque buildup and tooth decay, no food can take the place of daily brushing and flossing. It is vital to continue your daily oral hygiene regimen and keep up with regular scheduled appointment with our dentist in Wheeling IL.

Wheeling Dentist | Interesting Facts About Teeth

Wheeling Dentist

Here are some interesting facts about your amazing teeth:

  •  Enamel is the hardest substance in the body, according to Dr. Leslie Seldin, a spokeswoman for the American Dental Association.
  • A quarter of all of the adults in the United States have lost all of their teeth due to improper at home and professional care.
  • Teeth are already forming before birth.
  • The term “wisdom teeth” was given because these teeth come in later in life.
  • Saliva is produced in our mouth in order to assist in breaking down food. It also helps to prevent tooth decay.
  • In regards to diseases, tooth decay is the second most common after the everyday cold.
  • When the general public goes to the store to buy a toothbrush, they prefer the color blue over red.
  • During the middle ages, it was custom to kiss a donkey when a person had a toothache.
  • A person only buys 18 yards of dental floss per year when reality, it should be 122 yards.
  • It is important to visit your dentist at least twice a year to maintain healthy teeth.

Enjoy these fun dental facts. We hope to see you soon at our Wheeling dental office.