Wheeling dentist

Wheeling Dentist | Can Lemon Water Damage Your Teeth?

Wheeling, IL Dentist Jennifer Aniston, Claudia Schiffer, Beyonce, and Gwyneth Paltrow are just some of the stars who have said they enjoy fresh lemon squeezed into warm water as a healthy drink.  Some people claim that warm lemon water can boost the immune system, aid digestion, and help with weight loss.  But could this drink […]

Wheeling Dentist | Why Regular Dental Care Now Can Save You Big Later

Dentist in Wheeling Proper at-home dental care and regular preventive dental visits can help you save money! See below for interesting information comparing the costs of dental care and see how the average person’s at-home care differs from the American Dental Association recommendations.

Wheeling Dentist | Why We Take X-Rays

Did you know that x-rays can help us detect bone loss and infections? Read below for more important information about x-rays. Please contact us to schedule your next dental visit.

Wheeling Dentist | Thank You for Placing Your Trust In Us

Thank you for being a patient at Galaxy Dental. We hope with each visit you have a positive experience. One of the highest compliments our practice can receive is a testimonial from you on Google+. Your review is greatly appreciated. It will help us to connect with other patients looking for quality dental care. Our team […]

Wheeling Dentist | A World Without Dentistry

It’s difficult for us to imagine a world without quality dental care, but it exists. Throughout the world, losing teeth is still seen as a natural consequence of aging. Those in developing countries have never felt the confidence that a healthy smile can bring; instead they may feel embarrassment while smiling and pain when eating. […]

10 Dental Facts from Our Wheeling Dentist

Did you know that once a tooth gets knocked out, it starts to die within 15 minutes?  If you put it in milk or hold it in your mouth, it will survive longer! Take a look at some of these interesting dental facts. Contact our Wheeling, IL dentist for more information or to schedule an […]

Wheeling Dentist | Healthy Lunch Ideas for Both Children and Adults

September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. It is also a time when our schedules become busy with school, after-school activities, work and social gatherings. When short on time it can be tempting to buy convenient lunch foods, which at times lack nutritional value. We’ve put together a list of healthy lunch and snack foods to […]