Creating A More Youthful Smile | Dentist Wheeling IL Your smile is one of the first things a person will notice when they meet you. You can create a more youthful smile with one simple procedure. Whitening your teeth can make you look younger, especially if your teeth are currently stained, dull or discolored. Our dental office provides whitening services for new and existing […]
Making Oral Hygiene Fun for Your Child | Dentist in 60090 As a parent, the best way to help ensure your child has a lifetime of healthy teeth is to help them establish great dental hygiene habits as they grow. It can be difficult to get young children to cooperate with brushing and flossing. Making the routine as exciting as possible will make your life easier. […]
The Importance of Screening for Oral Cancer | Dentist 60090 Like with every form of cancer, early diagnosis can have a profound impact on the success of your treatment. Regular screenings are your first line of defense against oral cancer and our dentist is thoroughly trained in screening for oral cancer. During your screening, we will check your lips, tongue, gums, mouth, and throat for […]
Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Disease | Preventive Dentistry Wheeling IL Almost half of the population in the United States has been diagnosed with moderate to severe periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can range from gingivitis (mild inflammation) to periodontitis, a major oral disease that can result in soft tissue damage, bone destruction, and even tooth loss. Our experienced dentist is trained to treat all stages of […]
The Benefit of Adding Flossing to Your Routine | Wheeling IL Dentist You have heard the recommendation from your dental hygienist or dentist over and over again: “You need to start flossing. Flossing daily is important.” Although it may sound like a broken record at times, flossing truly is instrumental to both your oral and overall dental health. It is important to understand the benefits of flossing […]
Wheeling IL Dentist | You Need to Know About Oral Thrush: Here’s Why Even a healthy mouth is lined with bacteria. Normally, your daily oral hygiene routine helps prevent oral health complications. However, it is possible to develop an excess of bacteria and fungi, which can lead to additional problems. Here’s what you should know about oral thrush and what you can do to prevent it. What is […]
Wheeling IL Dentist | What to Know About E-Cigarettes and Your Oral Health The hazards surrounding vaping are not entirely clear. More research is needed in this area, but a recent study indicates that e-cigarette vapors could be damaging to your mouth. Here’s what you need to know. The Vapor Ingredients Electronic cigarettes are not regulated in the same way tobacco cigarettes are, meaning that their contents can […]
Wheeling IL Dentist | Plaque: Your Teeth’s Number One Enemy When buying a toothbrush, toothpaste, or coming in to our office, you often hear the word “plaque” associated with the health of your teeth. Plaque is one of the main reasons why it is so important to keep up with a daily oral hygiene routine that includes brushing two times each day for at least […]
Wheeling IL Dentist | Tooth Decay – Something You Need to Know About Painful, infected teeth are not a pleasant experience, but they are common symptoms of tooth decay. The good news however is that tooth decay is preventable. Your best defense against decay is a daily oral hygiene routine, as well as regular visits to our office. It can be helpful to know more about tooth decay […]
Wheeling Dentist | The One Piece of Gear Every Athlete Needs An injury to your mouth can be a painful, expensive experience. For athletes, mouth and tooth injuries are a very real risk. Mouthguards are an excellent tool for protecting your mouth from injury and harm. Our team can help you find a solution that protects your teeth while you play. Why Wear a Mouthguard? Mouthguards […]